Drill to Source
Understand what makes up your final figures:
Drill to any level, all the way to source if required, and be confident you’re working with accurate
information and producing the correct figures
Get information such as rule number to enable detailed logic tracking and investigation
Cube Views and Data Browsers
Navigate and inspect data in a hierarchical structured way:
Profitability by defined dimensions
Drill down to transactions and filter to the information you need in a user-friendly way
Export results to excel for sharing purposes
Build data browsers with easy to manage views of the figures you want to see
Data Dimensions, Mapping and Validations
Replicate your exact business structure, logic and organisational hierarchy:
Make modifications easily in a controlled environment
Unlimited mappings and hierarchies with many to one easily configured
Multiple data models for different reporting or business logic requirements
Validate, transform and tolerate your source data to ensure accuracy and catch inconsistencies
before they are submitted
Scenario Modelling and Plan Comparison
Rapid scenario modelling to create and manage complex data models and processes configured in the computation engine and dynamic input cubes:
What If planning (supporting workforce planning, sales assumptions and drivers)
Long-range strategic planning, scenario analysis, initiative planning where updates can be seen in
Support your Strategy Planning:
Long-range strategic planning, scenario analysis, initiative planning where updates can be seen in
Long-range debt and cash management, including data from multiple funding sources, prioritisation,
and the impact of funding structures on valuation and share price
Enable Plan Comparisons:
Produce multiple scenarios of your plan with easily maintained version control. You can compare
different versions of your plan or modelling reflecting changes to your business
Variance analysis of unlimited scenarios with any view of the data you require
Variance Analysis
ORYX enables detailed quantitative investigation to determine the difference between actual and planned/prior results:
Budget or Forecasted analysis (based on the timeframe you want, for example the prior year, or
prior month)
Dynamic Cube Input
Cross departmental data input, especially useful for more accurate and timely forecasting across the business:
See actuals from different departments for efficient forecasting
Formulaic cells for automatic calculation or reconciliation checks
Manage Late Adjustments (including period 13)
Non-financial data (Workforce Planning)
Accounting Treatments
Financial Instrument computation:
Loan interest calculation, FV revaluation, Hedging calculations, Treasury Management, etc…
IFRS Computations and reporting:
Adjustments for new standards or multiple data models for different reporting requirements
Equity Calculations:
Participating Interests, EPS and Minority Interests Calculations
Capex Planning:
Plan assets through the complete lifecycle, add additional asset types, depreciation schedules, salvage
values or useful life information required for capital asset planning
FA Register Reconciliation
Logic Tracing and Walkthroughs
Create process walkthroughs and logic tracing:
Rule links and process flows to enable thorough investigation, especially for audit purposes
Audit Logging
Changes tracked for audit purposes fully supported by user permissions:
User permissions for specific tasks, with access to confidential data separated by components
Ability to revert back to previous state with ease
Supports full audit trail with all changes to the system fully tracked including information such as user,
time and description
Allocation & Recoveries
ORYX enables Central Costs and Expenses to be allocated to business units based on FTE or revenue:
Proportioned, Waterfall, Matrix or Bespoke allocations that accommodate Costs Split using different
Manage Revenue & Commission splits and computation
Supports cost recoveries using utilisation models (e.g. consumption based costing)
Consolidation & Eliminations
ORYX provides Consolidated Balance Sheets and Income Statements for complex international groups:
Create Multi-dimensional financial reporting with slice and dice capability and automatic reconciliation
of accounts
Automatic Local Tax Calculations and Reporting
Produce Statements of Changes in Fixed Assets and in Equity and Net Debt Computations
Segment Consolidation
ORYX supports multi-currencies at a transactional and regional level:
Apply FX (translation) computations automatically
Convert at multiple different currency rates, and run what-if analysis around the impact of changing
ORYX maintains adjustments for legislative regions (GAAP vs IFRS) and industries (Stat vs GAAP):
Version-specific calculations
Elimination of intercompany transactions, dividends, revenues and expenses:
Use prebuilt analysis cubes to reconcile and report results to separate entities
ORYX has powerful Predictive Planning Capability:
Provide the ability for predictive planning capabilities that can generate reliable statistical predictions
based on time series data over long periods of history
Provide the ability to perform simple and multi-variable linear regression and constraint optimisation
for predictive planning
ORYX has computational engine allows you to build complex and bespoke forecasting models:
Provide rolling forecasting and rapid scenario management
Run deferrals – you can defer income to enable expected forecasted revenue and deferred tax loss
Adjust for seasonality – show a spread of transactions to make forecasts and predictions more
accurate. You can configure multiple seasonality models for all of your requirements
Produce cash flow forecasting, daily cash management and ‘what if’ analysis
Build complex revenue and expense triangles (AUM, DAC, Loss Triangles)
With ORYX you can reconcile your Systems:
ERP to ERP reconciliations with automatic manual adjustment and prior unreconciled items brought
Manage monthly balance sheet accounts:
Automatic balance sheet account checks and drill down to investigate materiality
ORYX enables account to control account activity:
Automatic reconciliation between nominal balances and checks
Workflow Management
ORYX sets up your financial processes in a controlled and tracked workflow process:
Following full permissions and security protocols
Cross department collaboration of data inputs and efficient business partnering on financial processes
4 eye check review and sign off
Deadlines and submission status to manage process completion
Schedule processes to be completed whenever convenient without human interaction
Revenue Recognition
ORYX has provides custom built business logic to support complex logic, rules and data models:
Build multiple models for different requirements and recognition criteria
Drill downs and walkthroughs to track accounting and investigate
Roll – Forwards
ORYX supports setting up of financial plans with period schemes:
Configure the solution to deal with different approaches for time dimensionality (i.e. single
dimension, multiple dimensions) and multiple calendar types (e.g. 4-4-5)
Apply Period end and roll-forward requirements in line with your business’ logic:
Periodic roll-forward as each months actuals come in
Creation of new Financial Year starting positions for accounts
Apply roll-forwards to summarised end-of-year position
Customised periods for year-end adjustments (Period 13)
ORYX presents each user with a personalised Dashboard, so they can access all their important information from one place:
KPI’s via desktop and mobile
Drill down on visuals and reports to any level of underlying data
Prioritise workload and key tasks
Reporting & Other Outputs
ORYX supports Regulatory Reporting
Multi-GAAP Reports
(BCAR) Best Capital Adequacy Rating Reports
Collateral reporting
SEC Comparisons with SEC rollup and comparison reports
ORYX provides Data visualisation tools
Board Reporting and PowerPoint export
Seamless link to Power BI
ORYX outputs your trusted data, formatted in a way you are familiar with
Select from many industry formats such as Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and PDF
Supports automatic journal production & posting
Email Notification